Monday, March 30, 2015

Talking with your Doctor about Prednisone

There is no way to sugar coat it - Prednisone is a rough drug. It can help a TON but it can also have you dealing with some pretty harsh side effects along the way. The very best way to not only fight your disease properly but also to endure the side effects of Prednisone is to have a great - not just good - but great relationship with the doctor that is prescribing it to you!

Like every great relationship, communication and honesty is the key. That goes both ways! I've talked with many, many people who have been on or are on Prednisone that feel unsure or uncomfortable talking with their doctor about the side effects and even about their tapering plan. With Prednisone, it is vital to be on the same page as your doctor about your treatment plan. 

So Here are some things to consider;

 - Often times Prednisone is not an easy drug to come off of so it's very important to have an idea about a tapering plan or ideal time frame before going on Prednisone. This is something that you will really need to discuss with your doctor thoroughly. Often times people are put on Prednisone very quickly and many times at large dosages because their immune system is going nuts, while this might be the case, it's still important to ask a lot of questions. Sometimes, your doctor may not know how quickly your immune system quiet down on Prednisone so it might be hard for them to tell you exactly how long you'll be on Prednisone. I've certainly had this happen to me. In those cases I usually ask my doctor for the worst case scenario that way if plans change it's usually for the better:) 

 - You will most likely be dealing with some sort of side effects, especially if you are going on large dosages. Talking with your doctor about what to expect on Prednisone with your specific dosage is a really good way to get a handle on your side effects before you even began having them. I can't tell you how many people have told me they wished they would have been better prepared on what to expect with the side effects, myself included. It really does make a big difference. 

 - If you are going on long term Prednisone treatment it's also a good idea to ask your doctor about recommendations for follow up care with different doctors. Unfortunately, Prednisone has the ability to effect many areas of your body so you may need to be treated with multiple doctors. For example Prednisone can do a number on your teeth, bones, eyes, and even your emotional state so it's very important to have follow up care to catch any problems early on and even to prevent them entirely with the appropriate providers.  

 - Consider asking your doctor about different methods to deal with the side effects of Prednisone. For example weight gain and water retention is a side effect that common with many people on Prednisone. Your doctor may be able to advise you in ways to change your diet and even exercises you can do (even while ill) that can help keep some of the weight off. 

 There are also some red flags to watch for. If you are having a rough time with Prednisone you need to be able to discuss them openly with your doctor. If your doctor isn't willing to talk to you or work with you for a possible change in treatment or dosage then it might be worth looking into another doctor. Prednisone is such a serious drug with the possibility of intense side effects so if your doctor isn't allowing you to express your frustrations and your worries and taking your complaints that is a big problem! 

I hope you have been able to talk with your doctor openly! I have always believed the more knowledge you have the better so if you are facing a treatment with Prednisone I urge you to seek out as much information as possible so that you can feel confident about your treatment plan The best place to start is with your doctor!:)

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